⭐️ To register and then to participate in extracts, you must provide administrators with your own email used on Banggood to make the cuts. It must be written in the following format: putting three asterisks after the first two letters and before the last two. E.g. propriamail@provider.it → pr***il@provider.it.
⭐️ each user must make the three cuts in his possession daily (as far as possible).
⭐️ In order to ensure that everyone can take a prize, members are required to participate with constancy and speed. The limit of weekly cuts to be able to enter the list shift is 15 cuts.
🆕 🆕 To be eligible to participate in the game you must have at least 15 cuts in the current and previous week. It should be noted that the 15 cuts must be continuous (at least 5 days out of 7)
⭐️ The reference time zone is the Italian time zone (UTC+1).
⭐️ The official languages of the group are Italian and English (not otherwise written).
⭐️ Three people's links will be posted every day according to the chronological list shift. If the persons on duty are not eligible for the minimum necessary cuts required, the next members will be placed on the list. If you don't have enough cuts, you'll go down to the list of 30 positions.
⭐️ Users on the list for the day will be invited in a special group to share their link according to the set budget and everyone must send the links as soon as possible and in any case no later than 7:30 pm. 🆕 (those who do not provide their link within this time will lose their turn and the vacant position will be occupied by a reserve or, if there is no reply in time, by an admin).
⭐️ Links will be published to the SLASH group by administrators at 9:00 p.m.
⭐️ cuts should be made as soon as possible.
⭐️ Winners will redeem their prize as soon as the item is minimized.
⭐️ If the slash failed, the person who was on duty will put up another link the next day. (if the cause of the bankruptcy is not attributable to the user himself)
⭐️ The maximum budget (expressed in €) will be decided by the administrators based on the number of participating users.
⭐️ The people on the list will not be able to give up their shift (however, they can agree with another user to exchangetheir turn by communicating it in good time to the administrators).
⭐️ Once you use your list turn your nickname will be placed back in the queue of the list. New subscribers will be placed at the bottom of the list.
🚨 It is forbidden to send private invitations to users of other Slash groups in order to cause harm to them.
🚨 Is forbidden to ask for cuts in private.
🚨 forbidden to invite group users to other groups in private.
⭐️ The participation of members of other slash groups will only be accepted if they use a dedicated Banggood cuts account in our group.
⭐️ avoid contacting administrators for solvable things within the group.
🚨 It is strictly forbidden to post personal slash links in the group. The only ones allowed are those at 9 pm posted by the administrators for the members on duty on that day.
Users who have no cuts for three consecutive weeks will be kicked by the group without any warning.
⭐️We remember to participants who do not reside in Italy that to publish their link to the prize you must use a VPN service that generates an Italian IP before generating the link. Also, when they participate in the links opened by others in case they fail (for an error on Banggood type: inconsistent ip) they will also have to use a VPN on Italy.
⭐️ An admin link will be inserted twice a week.
🆕 Randomly, extra prizes could be inserted during the week or month, with budgets to be determined, at the discretion of the Admins. To reward the most deserving and constant.
⚠️ We remind everyone of our Official Staff, if you come to contact privately kindly do not block us, Thank you! ⚠️
👑 @Nexux78
⚜️ @liviana78
👮🏼 @Francesca987
👮🏼 @ettogram
👮🏼 @cucciolo_di_informatico
👮🏼 @jmclement
Links to the communications channel (useful to see the list and other details):